Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dating tips when you are dating a Korean girl

First of all, I am telling you that this tips and advice is a totally personal opinion of mine.
Some might think differently, but since I was born and raised in Korea, I can say I am pretty much very Korean. lol.

Let me give you some tips that you need to know when you are dating a Korean girl or when you want to make your Korean girlfriend happy.

1. Korean girls like publicity.

If you show your affection in public, she will seem shy, but she will like it. That is why Korean men are always very stressed about how they can make the woman happy by organizing some special party or proposal usually in public (or with bunch of friends).

2. Koreans like couple stuff.

Korean couples like to match together. They have couple shirts,

couple rings,

couple shoes,

couple cellphones,

couple cellphone charms,

couple bags,

even couple swimsuits!!

You might need to get prepared to do these things when you have a Korean boyfriend or girlfriend.

3. Korean girls are quite passive in relationships.

They like assertive guys. Many Korean girls say that even though they don't like a guy at first, if he keeps trying and is quite assertive, they will open up and start liking him. So, if you are assertive, she might just follow you.

I made a video on the same topic. If you didn't want to read my post, you can just watch my video.

A video : Dating and Marrying a Korean 

A video that I made a long ago. I hope this is helpful as well.

For Black men, I made this video.

Racism in Korea. I interviewed My husband.

This is one of my first videos that I uploaded on Youtube when I was still dating my husband. I hope this is helpful. :)


  1. Interesting.

    I was wondering though...with all the couples showing off their relationship status, how do celibate people deal with that in Korea? Are they completely OK with that, do they feel weird in coffee spots if they are alone? Are they pressured by their friends to meet someone?

    1. It would probably be hard to be in a place where there are so many couples around you all the time. That is why many single people don't want to go outside, and they rather stay at home and watch TV??? I guess. Lots of people always want to date somebody.

    2. Anonymous3/3/14 03:14

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. If your man is pushing you away and acting distant

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    5. Am Hellen, thanks to Dr oniha who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid with his herbal tuber cleanser. My marriage was on the verge of collapsing, because I was unable to bear a child for my husband. Until I came across Dr ONIHA's recommendation onLine,of how he has helped numerous of childless couples to have children with the help of his wonderful herbal medication, and I contacted him. And he administered his herbs on me.within the space of two months, i became pregnant, I now have a child I can call my own. In case you want to contact him for a similar problem, or all other infertilty issues, you can reach him through his email:
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  2. I never tried dating Korean girls before neither other Asians girls. But I like to try it see if the culture will not be a hindrance.

  3. Anonymous9/2/13 07:56

    Hi Lily,

    I just found your blog as I was searching the internet to try and understand Korean women. I have been dating a Korean girl for about a year now - she is living in Australia on a student visa, I am an australian. When we first started dating (well after about a month of dating), I started saying some serious things but she always said that things need to go slowly. She did say that she had feelings for me and she often says things that I don't think anyone would say unless they were interested in a long term relationship.

    But after a year of dating, we are still just dating - we have never even kissed, we've held hands a few times, but I have no idea what dating means to a Korean girl. Is this amount of time to be dating a Korean girl normal before becoming girlfriend/boyfriend, or even kissing? I just wonder if she is not interested as all - but then why would she still see me? Maybe I need to be assertive like you have mentioned in some posts - but I have a feeling that would make her run, and I don't want to lose her.

    1. Dating is just dating. You guys have been dating for a year now! Maybe, one of you just want to have benefits from just dating not being in a relationship. If you want her to be your girlfriend, you might need to talk to her about it since dating for one year sounds pretty crazy to me. No one wants to take things that slow!!!!

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  4. Hey Lily?
    I have question.
    I have date Korean girl for 5 moths. And we know each other 2 years. But after going back to our countries, I said something what my friend told me and she said lets break up. Is that Korean culture to say Always lets break up or what, because these 5 moths she told me more that 8 times lets break up. But how ever I think she still loves me and so do I. But I just dont understand why is she telling me always lets break up.
    I have protect her and hanging out with her, not even talking with my friends only her. And her after we go back to our countries she told me lets break up, whats up with that.

    1. Can I ask you to tell me what you told her when she said let's break up?

    2. Well many times she wanted to break up. And after we both went to our countries as I probably told you. But the main point is I told her what my friend told me, and my friends said "Why doesnt my Girlfriend txt me, and for my friend it means she doesnt care about me." So with that I said to her why doesnt she txt me and stuff like that. And then she said something and we started to argue. And after arguing she said okay lets break up. So What I think if it is so easy for her to break up with me, she really didnt loved me Is that true. Cus what I think after she went to Korea, she didnt care so much about me.

    3. Sorry about your situation. I don't know if you are still with her or not, but I think it is not something that someone who really loves you would do. Saying let's break up all the time is just not really acceptable in any countries though many Korean women use "Let's break up" to make their boyfriends to treat her better. I hope this helped you a bit.

  5. Can you please answer on my questions.

  6. hi lily, i have seen many korean and white, and korean and black apart from korean with other asians (chinese/japanese) however its very rare to see any korean with brown people and by brown i dont mean indians, i mean iran/pakistan or afghanistan. What is the reason for that ? and how can brown people do to have a korean bf /gf ?

    1. Anonymous4/10/13 09:58

      Because koreans are racist. They are taught racism from their own society and because of what the white man has done in america towards minorities.

      That is why. They think a black or darken-skin person by default is someone who is either trash or financially incapable.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anonymous13/9/13 07:16

    Hi lily,

    I live in singapore and my korean girlfriend breakup with me after one year.she come find , e everymonth ..she is very good to me but I never tresure her..I regret now.....what can I do to make her come nack to me?

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  9. Anonymous4/10/13 09:56

    Dear lord. Just filter out all these silly and phony korean girls. They all are very materialistic and want payment for EVERYTHING.

    This is not true relationship. This is simply cheesy dating with benefit expectations. I would never date korean person based on this. I can understand having fun but I also understand of BEING YOURSELF while at it.

  10. Anonymous5/10/13 11:35

    Hey lily i have a few questions for you. Im american i live in NY. Now i just recently acquired a job at a bakery where i work with a fair amount of Koreans. Now i have been interested in a few but only pursued one. Now me and her have went out nd i paid for us.(which she seemed surprised about) its still quite early but i am just curious about how korean females tend to pace themselves in a relationship? I dont want to make a move and get totally turned down. We work together that would be a bit awkward. How would i know when to make a move, as in kiss or hold her hand?

    1. Anonymous5/10/13 11:39

      To be completely honest i dont even know where we stand now. Cause not only do i think her being Korean and me being american is an obstacle but im 18 and she is 27 which is another obstacle. So all im asking is what signs do korean females do that will let me know that im doing the right thing

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  12. Anonymous23/4/14 22:38

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  13. Hi
    I have a question..I am coming to Skorea next month for tour..
    So Is it possible for a tourist to marry a korean women.?
    In addition..I enough handsome,educated & good manner.
    I know Basic I mean daily korean uses.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Anonymous3/9/14 04:33

    Hi Lily, thank you for making this forum... It is not easy to approach my challenge with my friends or associates, but I am friends with a mechanic, we seem to respect and like each other.
    But here is my dilemma, I am an older man, I think I am an attractive older man, women sometimes look a t me twice, even if they aren't romantically interested, they notice me, I hope and think it is the way I carry myself.
    Ok, there is this woman I think she is Korean, she lives in my neighborhood, a pretty nice neighborhood in Wash DC. I have seen her walking to and from the Metro for at least 3 years, she is very attractive to me, even as Korean, she looks special to me.
    I have past her on the street and I have seen her walking and me driving and I try to let her know I am looking at her.:-)
    But one day I tried to say something to her and she did not respond at all, it was as if she was trying to send the message,"do not bother me".... I did it again, I tried to give her a CD of music I selected, she walked right pass me.
    But me being a conceited man.(LOL) and have been very blessed with having some very attractive women in my life, I still think I want to pursue her. She is in her 40's I think.
    Nw when I see her, I never say anything and I walk pass her and she walks pass me without a glance, but as an experienced man I know how clever women are and they see you even if you don't think they do.:-)
    My question to you is, I was thinking about leaving some roses at her front desk at her apt building along with my music CD, and leave them anonymously, maybe she will consider it is from the guy who is interested in her......I have never seen her with anyone, she never smiles, maybe that is one reason why I like her, she is classy and serious, she dresses for work in yoga pants all the time, I think she is a personal trainer or a message therapist, but I don't think she is one that works in a shady place, she works from 9-5 so that is not the hours of a prostitution massage parlor( they have many here). This is what I think and I am pretty good at being attentive to details, as I am a photographer.
    So Lily do I have a shot and what do you suggest, and if I don't have anything coming from her I will understand, but as you said I am assertive and that part is natural for me.
    thanks for reading this long communication and I hope to hear from you soon.
    This woman I think is special. I share all this info so you get a good idea of the situation. thank you Lily, I look forward to your response.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Anonymous16/9/14 17:05

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  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Anonymous17/9/14 15:05

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  20. Anonymous17/9/14 15:07

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  21. Anonymous19/9/14 22:51

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  22. Anonymous21/9/14 23:20

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  23. Anonymous30/9/14 03:39

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  24. When I first came to Korea I wished that I had had some solid Korean women dating tips for guys like me.They would have saved me from a lot of heart aches and disappointments.
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  26. Anonymous6/2/15 10:05

    Hello, I'm 58 and just went out with a very pleasant and peaceful Korean woman who is 48. She's college educated and very nice, just came to the states to see her sister. She doesn't speak much English, I don't speak Korean, but during the first date she gave me her sisters phone number. When I returned her home she said she wants to see me again. I too was wondering when is the appropriate time to kiss?

  27. Thank for share your tips. I plan to travel in Korea and take this time for date Korean girl. But it is look like hard.

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    Here's my story: I met a very nice Korean girl while on business in Seoul. We agreed to meet up the last night I was there to just hang out. She told me she had a boyfriend living elsewhere and was only searching for a friend. I agreed that we both needed a friend and met up.

    We started the night off by just walking and talking. We even missed a few turns by being so caught up in conversation. We went to a Korean restaurant, ate dinner, and again walked and talked. As the night continued, we stopped at a store for some beer. I told her how I was from Alabama and she giggled at my accent the entire date. Once we stopped to drink the beer and talk, we got deeper into conversation. She started talking about sex and even jokingly teased me by leaning in for a kiss. I invited her to my room, though she declined. She still kept talking about taking a shower, being naked, etc. I tried again with the same answer. I agreed to walk her back to the subway for her to return home.

    Now, I am back in the US and her in Seoul. She now says she wasn't attracted to me, she didn't find our date romantic, but was only comfortable around me. This is the reason she stayed to talk to me for so long. She intrigued me with just conversation more than anyone I've ever met. I don't think I even checked her out. I don't know if I blew it by not being more assertive when she leaned in to kiss me. She now tells me not to speak to her anymore and she will not reply, which she hasn't. Should I continue trying to speak to her or just let it go and move on with my life. It sounds weird, but I fell head over hills for a girl in a matter of hours because she interested me that much. I wanted to know more and more.

  30. Is this blog still open?

    Here's my story: I met a very nice Korean girl while on business in Seoul. We agreed to meet up the last night I was there to just hang out. She told me she had a boyfriend living elsewhere and was only searching for a friend. I agreed that we both needed a friend and met up.

    We started the night off by just walking and talking. We even missed a few turns by being so caught up in conversation. We went to a Korean restaurant, ate dinner, and again walked and talked. As the night continued, we stopped at a store for some beer. I told her how I was from Alabama and she giggled at my accent the entire date. Once we stopped to drink the beer and talk, we got deeper into conversation. She started talking about sex and even jokingly teased me by leaning in for a kiss. I invited her to my room, though she declined. She still kept talking about taking a shower, being naked, etc. I tried again with the same answer. I agreed to walk her back to the subway for her to return home.

    Now, I am back in the US and her in Seoul. She now says she wasn't attracted to me, she didn't find our date romantic, but was only comfortable around me. This is the reason she stayed to talk to me for so long. She intrigued me with just conversation more than anyone I've ever met. I don't think I even checked her out. I don't know if I blew it by not being more assertive when she leaned in to kiss me. She now tells me not to speak to her anymore and she will not reply, which she hasn't. Should I continue trying to speak to her or just let it go and move on with my life. It sounds weird, but I fell head over hills for a girl in a matter of hours because she interested me that much. I wanted to know more and more.

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